The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

User group recap: Diary updates

by Becky - 13th December 2018

ipatus adults image

This is the second in our blog series recapping presentations from the iaptus user group. You can read the first, in which Fiona introduced Hybrid Mail here.

Claire took us through some exciting new updates coming to the diary in iaptus. The diary is one of the most frequently used and also one of the most complex areas of the system as it impacts many other parts of iaptus. It’s critical that work we do to the diary is considered carefully, and developed in ways that reap the most benefits for all users.

To give an idea of the level of complexity of the project, Claire shared the following workflow – which shows just the Appointments functionality within the Diary.

iaptus Diary appointments workflow

Our discussions with iaptus users have driven the design and functionality of the new diary, and the project had three main aims, with a focus on ensuring that changes worked for both new and experienced users:

  • make improvements to Availability
  • add the ability to create recurring events
  • add the ability to create recurring appointments

Claire revealed a new-look diary with features including an improved time picker, which now calculates duration and displays the appointment end time.

She also shared new repeated appointment functionality with clash detection that highlights any booking clashes, and then enables you to easily pick a different slot, as well as newly added responsive fields with radio buttons and a searchable dropdown.

All of these changes will be ready to go live within iaptus in 2019, and a test version will be available for everyone to try out and get used to before it goes live.