The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

Local Transformation Plans: Closing the data gap in CAMHS

by Alison SD - 13th October 2015


“There is a need for good, transparent, regular data and information that is collected nationally.”

The Future in Mind report highlighted a significant gap in CAMHS data, and services have been mandated to begin collecting and reporting on a new Minimum Data Set (MDS) that is focussed on activity and outcomes, as a priority, no later than 1st January 2016.

The report described this new MDS as being “critical to driving change in a co-ordinated way”, ensuring accountability and transparency, with data driving improvements across children and young people’s’ mental health services.

Together with their services, commissioners are expected to outline how they intend to begin collecting and reporting on this new MDS in their Local Transformation Plans, due this Friday, 16th October.

One of the guiding principles of these measures is to ensure that the data collected has meaningful use directly in therapy session, that no undue burden is created for providers, and that the data can be used to benchmark the consistency and quality of treatment across services.

iaptus CYP is a digital care record system designed for children and adolescent services. It ensures MDS compliance for CAMHS, guiding therapists to collect complete and high quality data to meet national requirements.

CAMHS-specific questionnaires can be completed by or with a child or young person using an app on mobile or tablet during a therapy session, enabling therapists to involve the young person in discussions about their progress and focus on treatment outcomes. In this way, the act of data collection becomes an integral part of the therapy itself. The system also creates reports and dashboards to inform ongoing service improvement.  

Further, iaptus CYP securely transfers the minimum dataset to the HSCIC each month to meet the quarterly reporting requirements.

Have you considered how your Local Transformation Plan will address the requirement for collection and reporting on the new MDS by January? Want to learn more about how iaptus CYP can be used in therapy sessions to improve treatment experience and outcomes for young people?  

Contact us today for advice on completing your plan, to discuss how iaptus CYP can support your CAMHS service and for a quote.

This blog is part of a series on CAMHS Local Transformation Plans. Read the first blog in the series here.