The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

Adult NHS Talking Therapies


Trusted to store two thirds of all Talking Therapies, for anxiety and depression (TTad, previously adult IAPT) referrals.

It’s estimated that each year, 1 in 4 of the UK’s population will experience a mental health problem which could benefit from psychological therapy. Adult Talking Therapies (adult IAPT) services currently have the capacity to meet just 15% of that demand.

And the pressure continues to build. The Mental Health Foundation estimates that by 2030 there will be around 2 million more adults in the UK suffering with mental health problems.

talking therapies patient management system
talking therapies patient management system

iaptus was created to provide relief, easing the day-to-day stresses of admin so that you can focus on what matters: your patient.

iaptus Talking Therapies patient management system is flexible, built around the patient pathway, and contains a host of features that will save your service both time and resources.

iaptus supports our clients to handle 1 million patient referrals per year.

Outstanding customer service

customer service

Our friendly and dedicated team of experts is on hand for your organisation, providing support and training for your team.

The highest security standards

The highest
security standards

We are accredited to the highest data security standards with over a decade of experience safeguarding highly confidential data.

Monitored day and night

day and night

Our data services team takes every step to ensure the absolute reliability of our Talking Therapies patient management system .

Exploring Health Inequalities With iaptus Data

At our recent iaptus User Group our Data Research Team ran workshops to explore how iaptus data can support both Adult and Children and Young People’s (CYP) mental health services in addressing health inequalities. Watch the full health inequalities workshop:  Over the last few years, NHS England have set out key policies to tackle health inequalities across the country, including: Advancing Mental Health equalities strategy NHS NIIP is responsible for setting the direction for tackling healthcare inequalities CORE20Plus5 approach Women’s health strategy NHSE statement on info on Health Inequalities data which standardises the approach for collecting, analysing and publishing […]

health inequalities