The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies


Online appointment booking

Empower patients to book appointments online, at their convenience.

self referrals

Allow your patients to refer themselves for treatment, right from your website.

Truly understand your data

Learn from the past and identify patterns in patient care.

Communication & Patient engagement icon

Features to support communication and patient engagement

iaptus includes a range of standard and optional extra features to support patient engagement and efficient communication for your service.

software for psychological therapies

Online appointment booking

Empower patients to book appointments online, at their convenience.

Using this feature, services can offer patients the ability to book their own appointments online, at times to suit their schedule.

Patients are able choose and book their appointment directly into an available slot within a clinician’s diary in iaptus, thereby dramatically reducing admin for services. By allowing patients to choose appointments at a time and date that best suits their schedule, the feature has also been proven to reduce missed appointments.

Online appointment booking can be used in combination with SMS reminders, questionnaires online and integrated video appointments, forming part of a streamlined digital referral to treatment pathway.

The feature is simple for patients and services to use, and can be easily configured to your service’s specific workflows.

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Increase patient access to letters, whilst simultaneously reducing the administrative workload on teams. 

Designed to allow letters to be sent securely from iaptus directly to a patient’s mobile device, this time-saving feature provides real-time status updates, allowing services to take swift action when patients have received, accessed or viewed a letter.

Electronic Letters offer a quicker method of letter sending, saving administrative teams a considerable amount of time. The feature has also been proven to reduce both environmental impact and overall costs. 

This feature allows users to generate a unique link from within a patient’s digital care record or from the diary in iaptus, which can then be shared with the patient. Both parties can enter the video call when they are ready, using the links provided.

The technology is completely secure and fully encrypted, giving therapists and their patients the reassurance they need to hold safe, secure and private video appointments.

Clinical notes can be typed up in iaptus whilst the video session is taking place. Screen-sharing and typed chat functionality are also available.

Increase efficiency by using templates to send letters to individuals and groups of patients.

Letter templates can be created within iaptus to enable staff to communicate quickly and easily with individuals, with groups of patients, or with health professionals.

Batch letters you might wish to create include automated new referral letters, appointment confirmation letters and appointment reminders.

This approach within our software for psychological therapies is proven to increase engagement and reduce missed appointments.

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Increase attendance by 10%

SMS notifications can be sent to patients automatically. This feature is a customisable, easy to use, automatic and highly effective way to increase patient engagement.

Messages can be tailored for different appointment types, sent a particular number of days in advance of an appointment, or used to confirm changes to appointments and cancellations.

Services experience an average of 10% improvement in attendance, consequent reductions in missed appointments DNA rates and increases in early cancellations, allowing valuable appointment time to be rebooked.

The cost of sending these messages each month is typically recouped in the saving of just one or two missed appointments.

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Save up to 25% of productive therapy time per session

There are over 800 questionnaires available in iaptus, software for psychological therapies, that can be completed within the system by patients or clinicians, to suit your organisation’s requirements.

Patients can complete their questionnaires in session on your tablet, with the rest of iaptus safely locked away. The information is then encrypted, and the data is saved in the iaptus patient record, ready to be reviewed.

Alternatively, up to two days prior to their appointment a secure link can be automatically emailed to patients, and they can complete questionnaires via webform from home.

This feature not only saves time during the session, but also allows therapists to understand their client’s state of mind even before their appointment, meaning that actual therapy time can be more productive. In addition, it helps patients to engage more fully with their care.

This feature saves hours of collective clinical time that can be used more effectively, either to allow more dialogue time during appointments or to fit in more appointments each day.

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Enable new patients to refer themselves quickly and easily via your website

Prospective new patients can refer themselves for treatment at any time via a short, secure form on your organisation’s website, without the need to speak with a referring health professional.

iaptus will automatically create and populate a new patient record that you or a colleague may accept (or reject), before contacting the patient to set up an initial appointment.

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Fast, easy referrals at any time

Other health professionals can refer patients to your organisation at any time, via a short, secure form on your organisation’s website.

Whether the referral online comes from the patient or your colleagues in the health community, iaptus provides a fast and efficient workflow to process new referrals or merge with existing patients.

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Efficient communications with your patient’s GP

Send letters electronically to your patient’s GP via Docman, MIG or MESH.

iaptus, software for psychological therapies, can seamlessly send electronic letters that are easily incorporated into GP system workflows, ensuring that patient records are kept up to date and that the patient’s GP remains informed about the treatment your organisation is providing.

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Send letters at the touch of a button and save up to 50% of your postage costs

With Hybrid Mail, letters created in iaptus can be sent at the touch of a button.

This feature enables you to securely and digitally transmit your letters to our partner mail-house who will print them, put them into envelopes, sort, stamp and send them via Royal Mail – with status information sent back to iaptus.

The cost of sending a typical appointment letter in this way is about 60 pence, as opposed to the typical cost of around £1.52 per letter, creating significant cost savings for your organisation each year.

Features to enhance service efficiency

Streamline day to day administrative tasks across your organisation and enhance service efficiency, freeing up time to focus on what matters.
software for psychological therapies

Online Self-referral

Enable new patients to refer themselves quickly and easily via your website.

Prospective new patients can refer themselves for treatment at any time via a short, secure form on your organisation’s website, without the need to speak with a referring health professional.

iaptus, software for psychological therapies, will automatically create and populate a new patient record that you or a colleague may accept (or reject), before contacting the patient to set up an initial appointment.

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Empower patients to book appointments online, at their convenience.

Using this feature, services can offer patients the ability to book their own appointments online, at times to suit their schedule.

Patients are able choose and book their appointment directly into an available slot within a clinician’s diary in iaptus, thereby dramatically reducing admin for services. By allowing patients to choose appointments at a time and date that best suits their schedule, the feature has also been proven to reduce missed appointments.

Online appointment booking can be used in combination with SMS reminders, questionnaires online and integrated video appointments, forming part of a streamlined digital referral to treatment pathway.

The feature is simple for patients and services to use, and can be easily configured to your service’s specific workflows.

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Bulk actions is a time-saving feature that allows you to apply one action to multiple patients – such as updating patient records, sending text messages or generating letters.

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Fast, easy referrals at any time

Other health professionals can refer patients to your organisation at any time, via a short, secure form on your website.

iaptus will automatically create and populate a new patient record which you or a colleague may then accept (or reject), before contacting the patient to set up an initial appointment.

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Save up to 25% of productive therapy time per session

There are many questionnaires available in iaptus that can be completed within the system by patients or clinicians, to suit your organisation’s requirements.

Patients can complete their questionnaires in session on your tablet, with the rest of iaptus safely locked away. The information is then encrypted, and the data is saved in the iaptus patient record, ready to be reviewed.

Alternatively, in the days prior to their appointment a secure link can be automatically emailed to patients, and they can complete questionnaires via webform from home.

This feature not only saves time during the session, but also allows therapists to understand their client’s state of mind even before their appointment, meaning that actual therapy time can be more productive. In addition, it helps patients to engage more fully with their care.

This feature saves hours of collective clinical time that can be used more effectively, either to allow more dialogue time during appointments or to fit in more appointments each day.

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Guide patient treatment along your organisation’s unique care pathways

Every service works differently. So we tailor the iaptus patient management system to meet your needs.

iaptus, software for psychological therapies, works to give clinicians and managers a clear view of a patient’s treatment stage, guiding staff to take patients through the stepped care process and ensuring that treatment remains consistent.

The system has built in flexibility, so you can be confident that the system will grow to meet your changing needs.

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Complete group session notes and outcome measures quickly and easily

This feature within our software for psychological therapies allows you to complete clinical notes and outcome measures for the group on one screen, saving valuable time.

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Refer patients for online treatment and receive progress notes and outcomes data directly back to the patient record.

The addition of online mental health treatment to your organisation’s offerings can reduce waiting lists and treatment costs, while enhancing patient choice and even improving outcomes.

Prism enables your organisation to treat more patients more quickly by offering a simple, protected and secure method to connect patients to the benefits of online therapy.

This is a mechanism for interoperability that allows you both to refer patients for treatment via online therapy platforms and to monitor their progress and outcomes directly within iaptus.

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Efficient communications with your patient’s GP

Send letters electronically to your patient’s GP via Docman, MIG or MESH.

iaptus, software for psychological therapies, can seamlessly send electronic letters that are easily incorporated into GP system workflows, ensuring that patient records are kept up to date and that the patient’s GP remains informed about the treatment your organisation is providing.

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Referred patient registration takes as little as 90 seconds to complete

For NHS services and NHS contracted organisations, this time-saving feature matches a patient’s basic details in iaptus with their validated NHS record on Spine, so you don’t need to waste time searching.

You don’t need smart cards, you don’t need to learn any other software packages, and you can do it all quickly and simply from within iaptus.

Get started today for fast, accurate, complete patient records.

Accurate and fast postcode search

Postcode Lookup is a tool that aids accurate and reliable postcode searches. It reduces inaccuracies from manual entry and avoids the chances of having duplicate data enter your database. In iaptus, we can provide this feature free to most services and practices.

PAF Direct End User Licence
PSL Use Licence
PAF Data Solutions Provider License

System to system communications

We believe in interoperability, and that your software for psychological therapies should enable you to work and share data across systems.

We now integrate with over 20 digital health platforms so that NHS IAPT services can safely and securely offer online treatment.

Efficiently coordinate care across organisations

We believe in interoperability, and that your patient management system should enable you to work and share data across partner organisations.

You can extend the use of iaptus to other organisations you work with that also require routine data capture – such as debt counsellors, substance misuse, forced migration trauma, primary care liaison and employment services.

Adding care pathways within iaptus for partner organisations allows you work efficiently to coordinate care, and enables your non-IAPT partners to benefit from a high level of support for their data capture.

Features - Clinical oversight & service management

Features for clinical oversight and service management

iaptus includes standard and optional extra features to help with the efficient management of your service and to support clinical oversight.
iaptus online self referral feature

Unlock the information buried within your datasets.

Trapped within the data you collect each day is an extraordinary amount of information that could help your organisation run both more efficiently and more effectively.

Many of our clients face significant challenges, with excessive demand leading to long waiting times, high missed appointment rates and variable outcomes. But it’s not always clear what is going wrong or why, or whether problems are specific to one organisation or shared by others.

Leveraging the information within your data will allow you to learn from the past, identify trends and patterns in patient care and predict pathways. It will shine a light on the ways that you can adjust your processes to deliver better quality care and achieve improvements in time and financial costs.

Our analytics service unlocks the information buried within your datasets, revealing valuable insights, patterns and anomalies that would otherwise simply be hidden.

Working with our team of experts will ensure that you don’t just see, but truly understand your data. You’ll receive clear, stunningly crafted, presentation-quality graphics and custom dashboards that let you look at your data from every angle, so you don’t miss a thing.

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Maintain awareness of high risk patients as you manage the rest of your caseload.

iaptus, software for psychological therapies, allows you to rate patients according to a risk scoring system and keeps those high risk individuals flagged in your navigation bar, offering you peace of mind throughout the working day.

You’ll be able to see at a glance your high risk patients, how many days have passed since their last contact and the number of days until their next appointment

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Government and internal reports at the click of a button

Built as standard within iaptus software for psychological therapies is the most comprehensive and flexible reporting system in its class.

We believe that a client management system should do more than just collect your data – it should allow you to analyse and report on your data, and to answer important questions about your organisation.

With iaptus, the required dataset can be captured and submitted quickly for government reporting.

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Oversee and review the work of your supervisees with ease

iaptus helps teams by offering a quick and easy way for supervisors to oversee and review clinicians’ work.

From their iaptus homepage, supervisors can see at a glance an overview of each of their clinicians’ case loads as well as the date of their next supervisory session.

Supervisors can work through their therapists’ case loads from one screen, including viewing the risk rating for each patient, the reason for referral and graphics showing progress across attended sessions.

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Book and manage appointments across different users and locations

Users can quickly and easily find and book single or recurring events and appointments.

Automated appointment confirmations and reminders can be generated and sent via text message.

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Grant different users access to different parts of the system

In iaptus, each user can be assigned to a group, determining which options, functions, and parts of the system they can view and access.

All the information you need at a glance

View a patient’s entire case record – across multiple referrals – in one place.

Quickly and easily download your entire database to a local data warehouse

Sometimes you want to access the raw data you collect, and to combine it with information from other local systems.

That’s why we offer a secure and simple, complete export of your data from iaptus’ underlying database.

This secure connection allows you to automatically and safely extract your data on a monthly, weekly or even daily basis into your own data warehouse.

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