The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

Supporting CAMHS with digital record management and MDS collection

by Alison SD - 9th October 2015


The deadline to submit Local Transformation Plans is fast approaching. We understand the demand that this places on commissioners and on providers, and we want to offer our support.

As highlighted by the Future in Mind report, your submission must outline how you will collect and report on the new minimum dataset from January, as well as how you plan to improve your service’s IT infrastructure.

Are you wondering how you will achieve these directives? And how much that might cost?

iaptus CYP is a specialist digital care record system that will enable you to achieve both objectives in one step. It will support your service to…

  • Collect and report on the new minimum dataset
  • Collect data in-session, in-line with local care pathways that therapists can use to aid recovery 
  • Achieve “digital maturity” in one step

National planning guidance cites adult IAPT services as an example of how specialist patient management systems can enable the collection of consistent, high quality data as standard. As the creators of iaptus adults, the patient management system trusted by 70% of adult IAPT services, we have been a significant contributor to that achievement. With iaptus CYP, we built on this experience to create a system that is specific to the needs of CYP IAPT and CAMHS. Find out more about the system and its features here.

Contact us today for advice on completing your plans, to discuss how iaptus CYP can support your service and for a quote.

This blog is part of a series on CAMHS Local Transformation Plans. Read the next blog in the series here.