The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

eMental health project for North West Europe

by Becky - 6th January 2017

The eMEN project aims to increase the usage of digital mental health in UK, Netherlands, Germany, Belgium, Ireland and France.

The use of eMental health across these countries is currently 8%, but by the end of the project this should rise to 15%. It is hoped that 10 years after the project finishes the average usage will reach 60%.

There is £4.4 million available for this project, which will end in 2019.

Part of the funding is allocated for further development to existing eMental health products.
The project team are currently asking digital health suppliers to apply by submit details of their products for evaluation.

You can see the overview of the project outputs on the Mental Health Foundation website.

It has not yet been announced how mental health services can get involved, but we will share this information when it becomes available.

The Mayden team will be attending the eMEN launch conference on the 6th February, so make sure you follow us on @iaptustweets and follow the conference on #eMEN to hear all the news.