The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

Keep Active #MHAW17

by Becky - 8th May 2017

It is no secret that exercise is good for you. Not only is it important for your physical health, but it has a huge impact on your mental wellbeing.

Unfortunately, keeping active at the office isn’t always easy – especially when your job involves a lot of computer work. According to the British Psychological Society, office workers spend close to 5.5 hours every day at their desks.

So at Mayden, we’ve started walking meetings.

Research shows that walking enhances creativity and there’s plenty of anecdotal evidence showing that walking meetings are more productive than traditional sit-down meetings. Another more practical benefit is that in a world where meeting space is a rare and sought after commodity, walking meetings free up space for larger groups, or for discussions that can’t be taken outside.

So at Mayden, whenever we have the opportunity – a two or three person meeting that doesn’t require a computer – we grab our trainers and head outside for a walk, taking notes using our phones.

We’ve found that for us, not only can walking meetings be at least as productive as traditional meetings, but the fresh air and exercise clear our heads, so we return to our desks feeling refreshed and motivated.

Fancy trying it yourself? Let us know how you get on by chatting to us on Twitter at @iaptustweets. And check out this TED talk to find out more about the benefits of walking meetings.