The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

Improving online access to therapy services

by Becky - 5th June 2018

online therapy

We are really delighted to be supporting the team in a project that is looking at how to improve online access to therapy services via the NHS Choices website.

After work with the NHS Choices team in 2016, it is already possible for people to self refer to IAPT via the website, but this is by completing an individual form from whichever IAPT service serves their local area. Whilst a big step in promoting self referrals online, the process of finding an IAPT service and self referring is relatively unguided and a multi step process.

Rosalyn Hewitt, Product Manager at NHS Digital, was able to attend our IAPT Connect 2017 conference and following further conversations, we have been able to offer support to the Mental Health Discovery Project in its proposal and alpha stages. We hope to be able to provide insight into how the site could translate the feelings that a user is experiencing into a diagnosis, and then direct them via self referral to the most appropriate service.

We are delighted to be a part of this project, and to work with the team at We know that for some seeking help is a big step, and we hope that by making the process as simple and intuitive as possible it will encourage more people to seek out the help they need.

You can find out more about the project here.