The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies
The leading digital care record for psychological therapies

iaptus CYP user group: Save the date, 4th February

by Helen - 9th December 2018

iaptus CYP data image

We’re excited to announce that we will be hosting the next iaptus CYP user group meeting on Monday 4 February 2019 in Manchester.

We will be sharing information about upcoming developments to the system, in addition to discussions and feedback on recently released features. We will focus on iaptus as used in children and young people’s mental health services. This half day session will held at The Curve, Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust’s community resource hub and conference centre.

Please add the date to you diary and register for your free place. Places are free of charge but are limited and will be assigned on a first come first served basis.

We’ll share more details about the event soon. If you have suggestions for topics that you’d like to see on the agenda, please email them to

Read about the previous iaptus CYP user group in July in our summary blog.

We’re really looking forward to this session and hope to see you there.

The Curve NHS Trust Headquarters Manchester