We are thrilled that Professor David Clark – one of the architects of the IAPT programme – will be our keynote speaker at IAPT Connect 19.
David is the National Clinical and Informatics Advisor for the IAPT Programme at NHS England. He has been recognised with lifetime achievement awards from both the British Psychological Society and the American Psychological Association. David is well-known for his research on the understanding and treatment of anxiety disorders, especially panic disorder, social anxiety disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder and holds the Chair of Experimental Psychology at the University of Oxford.
David will be joining us to talk about the international interest that IAPT has generated, and the similar models of care that it has inspired across the globe. He will review the growth and success of this landmark service in its first decade and look at the opportunities presented – and the challenges that IAPT will need to overcome – in order to achieve the expansion of IAPT set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.
The IAPT model of care offers a systematic way to organise and deliver evidence based psychological therapies within the NHS. It’s a high volume healthcare programme built on stepped care pathways, routine collection of service and outcome data, and high quality care delivered by clinicians. Across the globe, mental healthcare services continue to look to the IAPT model and evidence base for inspiration, seeking to apply similar processes to their own services.
England’s IAPT programme currently sees around 1 million patients per year. The NHS Long Term Plan sets out a target to treat 380,000 more adults by 2023/24, increasing access levels and recovery rates within the programme. The LTP recognises the key role that greater use of digitally enabled therapy will play in meeting these targets including for post treatment follow-up.
We look forward to hearing David’s insights into the achievements of the IAPT programme and its future development.
IAPT Connect 19 takes place on Thursday 26 September 2019. View the full speaker line up and join the conversation on twitter #IAPTConnect19.