Leading experts will gather in Manchester on Wednesday, November 10th to share examples of best practice, and explore new and innovative ways to support and improve the psychological wellbeing of NHS staff.
Wellbeing and mental health hubs: Getting UK health services back on track
Over the last 19 months, the NHS has been under unprecedented strain. The impact of the pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of those working in the NHS and social care services has been significant. A survey undertaken by the BMA (British Medical Association) last year found that 59% of doctors and healthcare workers reported higher than normal levels of exhaustion or fatigue. Burnout and workload levels were at an all-time high and 32% of respondents said they or clinical colleagues had been on sick leave due to anxiety, stress, depression or PTSD caused by the pandemic. This stark picture is echoed in the NHS England Staff Survey 2020 in which 44% of respondents reported feeling unwell as a result of stress in the previous year.
In response to this increased burden on the NHS, new wellbeing and mental health hubs were set up to support NHS and social care staff across England. These mental health hubs provide access to assessment and local evidence-based mental health services and support. This includes clinical assessment and referral to local services such as talking therapies or counselling.
iaptus, the leading electronic patient record (EPR) software for psychological therapies, is now supporting 13 of the 40 regional wellbeing hubs.
We’re so pleased that we’ve been able to offer support to Trusts as they set up these new services for their staff. We have witnessed, first hand, the lengths that NHS staff have gone to in order to keep services running and support their patients. We’re so very grateful to everyone in the NHS that is doing such important and valuable work under monumental pressure.
Caring for the mental wellbeing of those delivering our NHS services is not only what they deserve, but is essential to creating a sustainable healthcare system delivering high quality care. This is such an important conversation, so I’m delighted to be attending the MENTAL HEALTH: SUPPORTING NHS WORKFORCE RESILIENCE conference. I look forward to hearing about innovations in this vital work that we can share with our iaptus customers and use to further develop our support to services.
You can view the programme for the event here.
- If you are at the ‘Mental Health: Supporting NHS workforce resilience’ conference and would like a chat, feel free to send me a message and we can grab a coffee.
- If you can’t attend the conference this year, you can always sign up to one of our webinars. Particularly useful may be our webinar on 1st December 2021, Supporting NHS workforce resilience. Find out how iaptus can support your mental health and wellbeing hubs.
If you are interested in reading about our own approach to supporting staff wellbeing, take a few minutes to read our interview on mental health and wellbeing in the workplace.